Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sea and Pad Thai Experience

The first time I came across a Thai Restaurant was when I  was living in New York. My co-workers and I had the tradition of trying new and different restaurants every month around the city. We called it 'Restaurant Month' where every month (obviously) we would make reservations for dinner. This time it was "Sea" in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We decided to try Thai cuisine for the first time. I have to say I was a little skeptical, but as soon as we arrived to the place, I was in awe. The decor caught my eye right away.  There was--what seemed to be a traditional art figure of a standing man in the middle of a huge fountain sorrounded by small dining tables. Although a little dark, the decor was out of this world, and the music and fun upbeat servers made the place a different eating experience. So, we sat at the bar, before we were seated at the main table, and as I looked at the drinks menu, something else caught my eye--the different types of fruity mojitos. I always thought mojitos being cuban or from some sort of Latin roots, but I guess if another culture adapts it and provides a different kick to it, it becomes theirs. Well, after a passion fruit mojitos we were seated and I was ready to order, since the menu did have a lot dishes, it took me a while to decide. I went for the Chicken Malay Masamman Curry, with a mild savory peanut sauce. Spicy curry is one of their main ingredients and although I am not big on eating spicy food, I devoured this dish in a second. The flavors were strong but they did not mixed with each other. I could taste the peanut sauce as well as the curry and other ingredients. The chicken was tender and juicy-- but the flavors again were the main attraction. From that day on, I knew Thai food was my thing. I searched for different places, I wanted to have a more simple and home made thai experience, without all the noise and crazy decor. Then, there was Pad Thai, a small restaurant in Highland Park, NJ. I could not believe I have found a traditional looking Thai restaurant so close to home. It was a must, I had to try it. I dragged my husband and there we were seating in a quiet and nice restaurant with friendly servers. This time what really impressed me was the great selection on the menu, it had more than 10 double-sided pages of on going dishes in their main language. Alhough I felt a little overwhelmed by the many many options I had, the servers were very kind to recommend their most popular dishes. The Pad Thai noodles seemed to be the winner. It is a combination of Thai rice sticks or noodles with chicken, shrimp or beef with a special Thai peanut sauce and veggies. I feel in love with this dish. Then, came dessert-- fried ice cream. For a few minutes my mind kept wondering how can ice cream be fried! Well, it was, and apparently it is made by taking a scoop of ice cream frozen well below the temperature at which ice cream is generally kept, then is coated in raw egg, rolling it in cornflakes or cookie crumbs, and briefly deep frying it. Magical! By the end of our meal we were full and very content with the flavors, ambiance and service. Pad Thai Restaurant is one of my favorites to this day. Although, Sea provides a festive meal with entertainment and culture, I can say I am more of a Pad Thai kind of girl who enjoys entertainment in food flavors.

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