Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finally something I can eat from McDonald's....Oatmeal! NOT!

As soon as McDonald's started advertising its newest addition to their menu, Oatmeal, I thought, 'Great! quick oatmeal on the go!' It looked appetizing and healthy. The main ingredients (out of the eleven weird ingredients) include oats, some diced apples, dried cranberries and raisins--oh! and lots of brown sugar!. And so I ordered it many times in the mornings with a great feeling of accomplishment since I was skipping on the usual yummy pancakes. It turns out, as you might have guessed...extremely processed oatmeal with lots of sugar and no nutrional value. I really want to thank one of the best "opinionators" from the New York Times, Mark Bittman for letting me know.
It was really funny, after the third week of trying Mickey D's Oatmeal (once a week) I came accross to this article to find out that I was still eating garbage. It was yet again another marketing strategy to make another menu product popular.
I thought this part of the article was very interesting and heart breaking at the same time "The aspect one cannot argue is nutrition: Incredibly, the McDonald’s product contains more sugar than a Snickers bar and only 10 fewer calories than a McDonald’s cheeseburger or Egg McMuffin. (Even without the brown sugar it has more calories than a McDonald’s hamburger.)"
I had mixed feelings about this so I researched McDonald's nutrional facts website and it was very clear...I was tricked--once again.

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